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Queen's Award Photo Gallery

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 Queen's Award Photo Gallery

Managing Director Ian Smith meets HRH Queen Elizabeth

Managing Director Ian Smith meets HRH Queen Elizabeth

Ian Smith receives The Queens Award from the Lord Lieutenant of Devon

Ian Smith receives The Queens Award from the Lord Lieutenant of Devon

Ian Smith at the gates of Buckingham Palace


'We are extremely proud of this award. For a business of our size to export more than 65% of our production to 70 countries around the world from rural Devon is a huge achievement by the talented and hard-working team of people working in our Company’

Operations Director Paul Stevens shows guests around the Press (Consumables) workshop

Operations Director Paul Stevens shows guests around the Press (Consumables) workshop

Mark Hitchin demonstrates fire polishing in the Glass workshop

Mark Hitchin demonstrates fire polishing in the Glass workshop

Quality Assurance Department celebratory selfie!

Quality Assurance Department celebratory selfie!

(R-L) Paul Stevens Operations Director meets with the Lord Lieutenant of Devon, Mayor of West Devon and the High Sheriff of Devon

(R-L) Paul Stevens Operations Director meets with the Lord Lieutenant of Devon, Mayor of West Devon and the High Sheriff of Devon

The Elemental Microanalysis Team

The Elemental Microanalysis Team

ISO 17025:2017 ISO 9001:2015 ISO 17034:2016

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