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Ultimate Coal CHNS Standard S=5.39 RM See Certificate 782522 for Values 50gm

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 Dried Basis Value () Indicates reference or information only value.

Proximate analysis ASTM method
% Ash D3174/D7582
% Volatile matter D3175/D7582
BTU/lb D5865
% Sulfur  D4239
% Fixed carbon (calculated) D3172
Mineral analysis ASTM method
% Silica D4326/D6349
% Alumina D4326/D6349
% Titania D4326/D6349
% Ferric Oxide  D4326/D6349
% Calcium Oxide D4326/D6349
% Magnesium Oxide D4326/D6349
% Potassium  D4326/D6349
% Sodium Oxide D4326/D6349
% Sulfur Trioxide D4326/D6349
% Phosphorus Pentoxide D4326/D6349
% Strontium Oxide D4326/D6349
% Barium Oxide D4326/D6349
% Chlorine D4208/D6721
% Manganese Oxide D4326/D6349
% Fluorine D3761/D5987
Sulfur Forms ASTM method
% Pyritic (3.03) D2492
% Organic (calculated) D2492
% Sulfate D2492

Ash Fusion Temperature, (reducing / oxidising), for initial deformation, softening, hemispherical, fluid/final. Degrees F ASTM D1857.

OEM Part No: The use of the OEM part numbers is intended for convenience only and does not imply that the products are of OEM origin. All Elemental Microanalysis products are guaranteed to be of high quality and are deemed to be suitable alternatives. All OEM trade marks acknowledged.

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