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Children's Hospice South West (CHSW) and Elemental Microanalysis

Donation from Elemental to Children's Hospice South West (CHSW)

This year, for the winter holidays, Elemental Microanalysis will be donating to Children’s Hospice South West, in lieu of providing gifts to customers.

We invite you to join us wherever and however you can, in helping to make the most of short and precious lives. If you would like to see for yourself just how much of a difference every contribution makes, please read CHSW’s inspirational stories from staff and families

Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) is a wonderful regional resource to parents and their children with life-limiting illnesses.  Founded in 1991, by Eddie and Hill Farwell out of their personal experience needing hospice support, CHSW has grown to support families across the South West. With three locations, CHSW have ensured that no family has to travel more than 90 minutes by car to reach their nearest children’s hospice in the South West.

CHSW has been absolutely committed to making the most of short and precious lives. The care offered at each of hospices is not simply about medical and nursing care for sick children, but about enriching the lives of children and their families. At CHSW, the care team often hear families talk about the ‘treasure chest’ of special memories they build to carry into the future, which will sadly be without their much-loved child or children.

In these times, more than any other, creating a network of care, support and love in our local communities is critical. As a Devon-based business for more than 40 years, Elemental Microanalysis is honoured to support CHSW in the important work they do caring for more than 500 children with life-limiting conditions and their families each year at both the CHSW hospices and, if necessary, in families’ own homes.

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