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ShelterBox and Elemental Microanalysis

Donation from Elemental to ShelterBox

We are aware that 2021 has been another difficult year for many people therefore, after receiving so much positive feedback last year, we have again chosen to make a donation on your behalf to Shelterbox  - a charity working internationally and based not far from EMAL’s facility here in the Southwest of England.  

For details of their Christmas appeal:

Our donation will include a kit with a selection of the following essential items needed for basic survival:  water filter, kitchen set, tarpaulin, solar light, rope, high thermal blanket, mosquito net and water carrier. 

More details of the individual aid items can be found here:

Shelterbox work with disaster-affected communities to provide the emergency shelter, essential items and training needed to support families in the long process of rebuilding their lives with teams travelling by foot, boat, helicopter or tuk-tuk to get to the families who need support.  

A list of current aid responses can be found here 

All of us at Elemental Microanalysis would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the past year, we are all proud and thankful to work with you. Thank you for helping to make this donation possible.

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